Loading new Locomotive Icons
1. Copy the images onto a USB memory stick in a folder marked "icons". This folder must be directly in the root folder for the stick.
2. Plug the stick into the USB socket on the Central Station.
3. Go to "Setup" in the Central Station.
4. Start the update with the button "Update Program". The update will not update the software; it only copies the images in the "icons" folder into the Central Station. Any existing files with the same name will be written over.
5. The Central Station goes back to the locomotive controller, and the procedure is thereby completed.
The images must meet the following requirements:
- The images must be in the data format PNG with a maximum of 128 x 48 pixels. Other formats are not supported.
- The file cannot be lager than 6 KB for use on a locomotive card.
- Use easy-to-understand file names.
- Check to see if the Central Station already has an image with the name you hame selected. If yes, then you should select another name.
1.アイコン画像をUSBメモリースティックの "icons"フォルダーにコピーします。その際、このフォルダーはスティックのROOTにないといけません。
3.CSの setup 画面を開きます。
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