The Central Station has different possibilities on the back for connections.
Power: This socket is used to connect the Central Station to the transformer. Please note that power output of the transformer connected to the Central Station is critical for the power available in the track.
Track Connection: A track for running trains and programming track can be connected to the Central Station. The power available in these tracks depends on the transformer being used. You can read the load for each of these connections under "Setup" in the window "Info". Special connections
Aux: This socket is not being used at present. It is intended for expansion steps later on.
60174: A Booster 60174 can be connected here to supply power to other areas of track. The 60174 Booster sends the Central Station data about the load on the area of track connected to it (Booster ) via this connection. You can read this data under "Setup" in the window "Info".Please note that the different areas of track must be separately electrically from each other.
USB: This is socket common on computers for connecting memory devices, a mouse, or keyboard.
Sx: This socket is not being used at present. It is intended for expansion steps later on.
In: With this socket the Central Station can be connected as an auxiliary controller to another Central Station.
Out: A Central Station can be connected this socket as an auxiliary controller or a Terminal 60125 can be connected here too.
Network: The Central Station has an Ethernet connection. You can connect the Central Station via this connection directly to a computer network. The Central Station will download updates from the internet using this connection.
When the Central Station is to be linked to the internet using this connection, please note that the necessary release must be setup in the firewall for your network.
Speaker: A headset or active box speakers can be connected to this socket. The Central Station can then put out sounds via this socket. At the present time the Central Station does not have any sounds, so this socket it currently not being used.
There are two more possibilities for connections on the underside to the Central Station
S88: The S88 feedback module is connected here.
Booster: This socket it for the connection from the 60152 or 60157 Booster.
Switched Mode Power Pack 一覧
Output 19 volts / 60 watts AC voltage or 15 volts / 50 watts DC voltage は共通。
[60041] Switched Mode Power Pack 50/60 VA, 100 - 240 Volts, DE/EU(ドイツ、EU)
[60042] Switched Mode Power Pack 50/60 VA, 100 - 240 Volts, United Kingdom(UK)
[60043] Switched Mode Power Pack 50/60 VA, 100 - 240 Volts, AU(オーストラリア)
[60045] Switched Mode Power Pack 50/60 VA, 100 - 240 Volts, USA(USA)
[60046] Switched Mode Power Pack 50/60 VA, 100 - 240 Volts, JP(日本)
Track Connection:列車を走らせるトラックとプログラミングトラックをCS2に接続することができます。これらのトラックで使用できる電力は使用する変圧器に依存します。それぞれの負荷状況は"Setup"タブの"Info"画面で確認できます。
補足: [60883]S88feedback module(Link S88) はここに接続します。最初、全然わからなかった。なんでこんな名前なんだろう。過去の流れなのか。
補足:この2つは過去の機器で現在は使わないです。過去の機器を持つ昔からのユーザー向けの内容です 。
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