画面内の [?] ボタンをタッチすると以下のHELPが表示される。
Configuration for a Locomotive
mfx Lovomotives
All of the definitions for a locomotive are made here. They are stored in the Central Station.
When a locomotive is registered with its locomotive card, all of the definitions have been made already on the card. You can change these definitions in any event and save the changed data on the card where applicable with the button [train&box icon].
The locomotive can be assigned a name of your choice under "Name", and this name enables you to recognize the locomotive immediately. To do this, press briefly on the button [keyboard icon] to the right of the entry field so that a keyboard is show. You don't have to refer to the address here. Also, you can look for an image or icon for the locomotive. There is whole series of locomotive icons available.
The type of decoder installed in the locomotive is selected under "Decoder Type". This is only necessary if a new locomotive is being entered manually. You can select from these types:
- MM2 locomotive with decode switches
- MM2 programmable locomotive
- mfx locomotives register themselves
The Central Station does not use the address for an mfx locomotive to call it up.
The address is only necessary for earlier locomotive controllers. The address for an mfx locomotive is therefore shown as "0". If this address is changed, this change only affects operation with earlier locomotive controllers. It has no effect on operation with Central Station. This address is accordingly not blocked for other locomotives. The address can be changed with the +/- buttons.
Another option is to read out the address for the locomotive through the Central Station. The button [train&up arrow icon] starts the readout procedure, which lasts a few seconds. Also, the locomotive must be standing on the programming track.
The button [CV&train icon] is used to read out and change the CVs in the decoder on locomotives with programmable decoders.
The button [+&route icon] can be used to assign a locomotive to a shuttle train route. When a locomotive is assigned to shuttle train route, the button changes to [dot&route icon].
The settings for acceleration delay, braking delay, minimum delay, maximum delay, speedometer, and volume are available only in conjunction with programmable decoders. With the exception of the setting for the speedometer, all of the other settings program the decoder in the locomotive must be standing on the programming track. The setting "Speedometer" Changes the display for the speedometer on the locomotive controller in the Central Station.
The functions F0 through F15 can be positioned in the right vertical field. In the process a function symbol is assigned to each function. The assignment of functions to function buttons cannot however be changed.
機関車に用いているデコーダは「Decoder Type」で種類を選択します。これは新しい機関車を手動で入力設定する場合にのみ必要で(通常は自動入力)、以下のタイプから選択することができます。
- デコードスイッチの付いたMM2機関車
- プログラマブル MM2機関車
- 自分で登録するmfx機関車
CSではmfx機関車のアドレスを使って機関車の情報を引き出すことはありません。アドレスが必要なのは、古いコントローラーの機関車の場合だけです。そのため、mfx機関車のアドレスは "0 “と表示されます。もし、このアドレスを変更しても古いコントローラーの機関車に対してのみ影響します。CSでの運用には影響しません。したがって、このアドレスは他の機関車に対して妨げになりません。 アドレスは+/-ボタンで変更することができます。
[CVと機関車 icon]ボタンは、プログラム可能なデコーダを搭載した機関車のデコーダ内のCVを読み出して変更するためのボタンです。
ボタン[+ route]は、シャトルトレインの設定のボタンで、タッチすると詳細設定の画面が開きます。設定が済みシャトルトレインのrouteに機関車が割り当てられると、ボタンが[ドットroute]に変わります。ドットroute状態のボタンをタッチするとシャトルトレインが起動します。
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