S88 Feedback Module
The Central Station can manage up to 64 S88 feedback modules(Examples:60880, 60881). The number of feedback modules supported depends on the current draw and cable length of the S88 Bus. The first module is connected directly to the CS2. Additional feedback modules are connected “in series” one after the other behind the first one. Previous modules works with ribbon cables. Modern S88 units work with network cables to connect the individual modules.
The Central Station can manage up to 64 S88 feedback modules(Examples:60880, 60881). The number of feedback modules supported depends on the current draw and cable length of the S88 Bus. The first module is connected directly to the CS2. Additional feedback modules are connected “in series” one after the other behind the first one. Previous modules works with ribbon cables. Modern S88 units work with network cables to connect the individual modules. Ribbon cables are susceptible to interference from nearby model railroad wiring. If they are longer than 60cm / 24inches, they should not be laid directly next to wire with high current levels (B/O). If that cannot be avoided and interference occurs as a result, it may help to make the S88 cycle slower. (Set a higher value for the time.)
If you are using short contact tracks or running on long contact tracks with short units, you may experience short contact interruptions when running locomotives slowly. A contact interruption causes the contact to report as off (unoccupied), and then again as on (occupied). When a route is programmed on such an activator, the route may be activated unwanted. Short interruptions of the contact track by the S88 can be prevented by setting the Query Interval fur higher for the S88. The basic setting is 150 milliseconds. If you have problems with dropouts with contact tracks and you cannot change anything on the contact tracks or the units, it may help here to set the time to 250 milliseconds or higher.
Computer Programs
The number of the contacts / modules queried by the S88 is automatically determined by the CS2 examining the configuration data on the feedback modules in use. If you are woken with a PC and using a total of 12 feedback modules, you should enter at least the highest contact in use (12*16) in a layout or route for the CS2. Onlythen are all feedback data queried (and sent to the PC).
Ground on the S88
The Märklin S88 module (60880,60881) is a feedback module that evaluates ground signals. It is thus instructed that the inputs monitored by it go to ground and that this ground is connected to the ground used in the S88. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to manufacturer specifications regarding the ground connections. Ground loops (multiple ground connections) should generally be avoided.
On model railroad layouts with a center conductor, the ground in the rails must be connected from one track power circuit to the next (except for the programming track). The actual operation would also function without this connection. If automatic functions are to be used, they will occur reliably only with a connected ground. This rail ground must be connected with at least one S88. We recommend making this connection at the first S88. Pay attention that the layouts ground is made to be reliably (low ohm value) and that voltage differences are as low as possible at different locations on the layout.
If you have problems with the feedback module contacts, check the ground for your layout. False voltage may occur due to high currents in the ground lines. These phenomena may disrupt feedback. The ground should always be connected by the shortest path from one track circuit to the next.
When you are using S88 unit, we recommend strongly setting up a page with S88 contacts in the Layout for the CS2. Successful troubleshooting is very difficult if not impossible without the being able to look at the contacts directly in the CS2. A page should be set up as early as when you put the feedback modules into service. All of the feedback modules used should be arranged in file on this page. For example, 3 rows, each with 16 contacts when you are using three S88 units. This is also recommended when only the PC is carrying out automatic controls. This page can be used for troubleshooting to check the functionality of the S88 units.
If you would like to use automatic controls with the memory that react to feedback contracts, they should always be set up with the feedback contacts in the Layout on the appropriate routes. You should then play through the operating procedure and watch the feedback contacts closely in the Layout. Contact tracks in particular must be fundamentally checked in this way. You should not begin to program or turn on the routes in the memory until after this check has been done.
- Are the contacts open when there is no train there ?
- Are the contacts occupied when a train is there ?
- Does the occupation remain stable until the train has completely crossed over the contact ?
- Does the contact generator have the correct position and length ?
All of this can be checked using a page in the Layout.
It cannot be emphasized often enough that the error search on the S88 cannot be carried out successfully if no display about the layout exists.
- Go to Shuttle Route
- Go to memory
S88 フィードバックモジュール
メルクリン とDCCの場合では使用するデコーダーが異なるので注意。また、正式な商品名が分かりにくいので番号で確認されたし。
メルクリン とDCCの場合では使用するデコーダーが異なるので注意。また、正式な商品名が分かりにくいので番号で確認されたし。
なを、60880フィードバックモジュールは既に販売終了しており、現在は後継の60883, 60881を使用する事になる。
CS2 : Marklin 3rails AC
[60215] [60883] [60881] [60881]
CS2 - - - - - L88( S88 LINK) - - - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - - s88 decoder(S88 AC) - - -
CS2 : DCC 2rails DC
[60215] [60883] [60882] [60882]
CS2 - - - - - L88( S88 LINK) - - - s88 decoder(S88 DC)- - - s88 decoder(S88 DC) - - -
[60215] [60883] [60882] [60882]
CS2 - - - - - L88( S88 LINK) - - - s88 decoder(S88 DC)- - - s88 decoder(S88 DC) - - -
CS3 : Marklin 3rails AC
[60226] [60883] [60881] [60881]
CS3無印 - - - L88( S88 LINK) - - - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - - s88 decoder(S88 AC) - - -
[60226] [60883] [60881] [60881]
CS3無印 - - - L88( S88 LINK) - - - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - - s88 decoder(S88 AC) - - -
CS3 plus : Marklin 3rails AC
[60216] [60881] [60881] [60881]
CS3 plus - - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- -
[60216] [60881] [60881] [60881]
CS3 plus - - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- -
CS3 plus : DCC 2rails DC
[60216] [60881] [60881] [60881]
CS3 plus - - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- -
S88による列車検知区間の短接触割り込みはQuery Interval を高くする事で防げます。基本の設定値は 150ms ですが、列車検知区間やトラックを変更できないのであれば、時間設定値を 250ms かそれ以上にすると良いでしょう。
[60216] [60881] [60881] [60881]
CS3 plus - - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- - s88 decoder(S88 AC)- -
S88による列車検知区間の短接触割り込みはQuery Interval を高くする事で防げます。基本の設定値は 150ms ですが、列車検知区間やトラックを変更できないのであれば、時間設定値を 250ms かそれ以上にすると良いでしょう。
コンピューター プログラム
Märklin S88モジュール(60880,60881)は、接地信号を評価するフィードバックモジュールです。フィードバックモジュールによって監視される入力はS88で用いられるアースに接続されている様にと指示されている。アース接地に関するメーカーの仕様には十分注意する必要があります。接地ループ(複数のグランドの接続)は避けた方が良いでしょう。
フィードバックモジュールの接続に関して問題があったなら、アースを調べてみてください。間違った電圧 アースラインに高電圧が流れた事により誤電圧が発生することがあります。
フィードバックモジュールの列車検知に反応するメモリー機能で自動運転を行う際は、route に関してレイアウトにおける適切な位置にフィードバック列車検知を必ず設定してください。
- 列車が来ていないのに、列車検知がOnになりますか?
- 列車がそこにいる時に、列車検知はOn状態になりますか?
- 列車が列車検知を完全に通り抜けるまでOn状態は安定していますか?
- 列車検知の位置と長さは適切ですか?
このHELPフィードバックモジュールは60880だが、60880は販売終了し現在は60883を使う事になる。60883をCS2に接続するには、底面の端子では無く背面の60174 Booster端子を用いる。詳しくはBooster、Connectionを参照。
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